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our manifest

Who we are 


Companerxs, this project, this music, this solidarity is of all and for all, for those souls who identify with the walk and the awakening from the word, from the integrity of the people, of the earth. 

We are different collectives and people, residents of the world, participating and giving diffusion to this common initiative, we are artists with the desire to give form to a musical platform in solidarity with the messages and the struggle of the Zapatistas, we are human beings, women, gender minorities and men learning and wanting to share. This initiative-this project as well as its organization, is open and horizontal, for decisions are made by general consensus during weekly online meetings. Anyone can participate in the discussion process, in proposals and actions that can support and give greater reach to the messages we advocate and the music we will share. 

our values


Deadly capitalism intends to impose its law in the smallest corners of our lives, of our consciences.

We must march in step and sacrifice ourselves as merchandise on the altar of profit.... 

And sell the only good we really have: our time.

Non-essential work did not begin with the pandemic: since its heyday, capitalism has not hesitated to silence dreamers and poets. 

Music is no exception to the rule; it must submit to the dictates of the market. 

The isolated musician, bent under the crushing weight of cultural production, has only two options: to enter into competition, and thus condemn himself to become just another commodity, or to disappear.

The recognized musician has already made his choice and is only filled by the emptiness of the anonymous multitudes.


We say enough is enough.


We refuse to accept the boundaries between so-called nations, between cultural circles, between the famous and the unknown, between professionals and amateurs.

All these categories are a relic of the Old World.

Carried by the Zapatista wind, we are building an international, independent and horizontal network, where everyone has a voice, where what counts is not quantity, but quality, as an authentic testimony of our daily life. 

We invite you, wherever you are, to join us in this desire to share our contributions and chords.

Support the Tour for Life, because it leads us to unite beyond all the divisions that patriarchal and colonial capitalism wants to impose on us. 

To finally create a cultural platform beyond national and advertising carcasses.


For music to be a cry for Life and not for survival.

our protocol

The protocol, dynamics and processes of reception and integration of received songs


Every compilation presents ten tracks and it's shared and sold on Bandcamp. All donations are used to support the financial needs of the Zapatista Tour. 


The albums are free price and listenable at will by everyone. 


Our main principle for the constitution of a compilation is the mixity in term of gender & musical genre (other criterions are still discussed collectively). 


All submitted tracks will be released, as we think that supporting the Gira por la Vida through one's music is the most important. 


Our organisation is open to artists and collectives and everyone is welcomed to share their thoughts.


As it is international, the use of the ethic free translator DeepL is commonly used in our group chat to allow english/spanish discussion, even for those who don't speak them.


We also organise a weekly video meeting, where both languages are ensured.

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